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óXX Edicin Premios HIdes 2014

Each year the Spanish Federation of Dental Hygienists- HIDES grants the following awards:

  • Scienctific award for a member of HIDES
  • An oral communication award for a HIDES member
  • A poster award for a HIDES member
  • A poster award for a student or a nonmember of HIDES
In the 20-year history of the HIDES awards, on five occasions  the scientific award has been granted to members of HIDES Asturias
  • 1995, I ”Smile and plaque control”.
    Mrs Charo Prieto and Mrs Begoña Lozano, Asturias
  • 1997, III “Dentin Hypersansitivity”.
    Mrs Catalina Garcia, Asturias.
  • 1999, V “ Edentulism, more than an oral question”
    Dr.Charo Prieto, Asturias.
  • 2000, VI “Dental Hygienist atitude against precancerous lesions of oral cavity”.
    Mr Bosco Machín, Asturias.
  • 2002,VIII “Dental health: repercusions of treatments against cancer”.
    Mrs Carmela Gª Martínez, Asturias.





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