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About Us

The Spanish Association of Dental Hygienists (HIDES) was created in 1986, although it originated from an all female group of pioneers in the field which began in 1983. In 1990, to accommodate the17 regional territtorial divisions, nationally independent associations were legalized. In 1991 HIDES became a legal National Federation.

On March 14, 1991, it is established as a Professional Organization under the name of "Dental Hygienists Asturian Association" with the declaration of the following purposes, among others:

  • The representation including management, defense and the promotion of academic and scientific interests and requests of its associate members.
  • Promote solidarity amongst the Dental Hygienists associate members.
  • Provide instructions and guidance towards approaching and resolving the problems that, in general, may arise in the dental hygieny field as a profession.
  • To unite the interests and actions of the oral hygeine proffession as a whole through the HIDES assosiation. To use the most efficent means to achieve the best solutions on both common and general matters such as the development and promotion of issues in the community on a technical level through organising courses and seminars, consultations and giving open guidance and legal advice  for all dental hygeinists.


As a full member of HIDES ASTURIAS you can benefit from: 
Begonia Alonso

Honorary President

Mrs Begoña Alonso Suárez is appointed Honorary President of HIDES Asturias.

25th aniversary video

25 Aniversario HIDES

A video made by HIDES Asturias for the 25th anivesary of the Spanish Association of Dental Hygienists (HIDES) in 1986.





GumObjetivo DentalHaleonTras la sombra de Irene NewmamDentWorkingCBanco SabadellCaja Rural

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